Yard Waste Disposal
We are committed to environmentally responsible waste management. Our services not only help you keep your yard clean but also contribute to reducing landfill waste through composting.
Yard Waste Disposal
Request Yard Waste Removal

Dispose yard waste
Dump your yard waste in our 95-gallon yard waste container

Yard waste pickup
Place the tote on the curb when scheduled. We provide yard waste pickup service every other week

Yard waste removal
Our team collects your yard waste, turning it into useful resources
What Can I Dispose
Yard Waste Solutions for Every Need

Natural christmas tree

Yard and garden trimmings



Grass clippings
Questions about other materials? Please check our recycling guide.
Benefits of Choosing Us
Benefits of Yard Waste Pickup
Minimize the necessity for landfill visits
Yard waste removal is convenient because it reduces the need for trips to the landfill. Our highly trained staff does all the heavy lifting for you.
Mitigates potential dangers
Yard waste removal reduces hazards, like fire risk and pest attraction, promoting overall health.
Guarantees your yard looks attractive
Maintaining a pristine lawn requires effort, and yard waste pick up keeps it beautiful.
Benefits for community
Yard waste pickup benefits the community by diverting millions of pounds of organic waste from landfills annually through composting.